Bill Pearl has not persuaded me to become a vegetarian, but he convinced me that a vegetarian can be a champion in bodybuilding

IM : What was the bodybuilding when you started?
BS : It was kind of a cult thing, almost underground. No one thought he was a really sports! Unlike today, just enormous. In those days, many bodybuilding was associated with a kind of narcissism and homosexuality. Names Grimek, Reeves Park, or were known only to a narrow circle of people - just as they are involved in bodybuilding. Now the names of Ray Schwarzenegger or know of any boy!
If you remember, in the competitive bodybuilding in 1950 was only 10 years old. The competitions were "immature." They were held in the competitions in weightlifting and started after midnight. Somebody sent some light on a basketball court, and we pose it without musical accompaniment. I'll take it upon myself to say that I first came up with the music performances. It was the mid 50s.
IM : You have decided to participate in competitions or someone pushed you to that decision?
BS : My mentor was Leo Stern (Leo Stern). He had a keen eye for balance and symmetry. He once said: "Bill, pull baker to spawn, and just hold your delta." He was a good advice! Constitution should be aesthetic. I have nothing against muscle mass, but some athletes are too passionate about it. Weight should not be suppressed. In my opinion, the most perfectly developed physique had Frank Zane (Frank Zane) and Chris Dickerson (Chris Dickerson). They were his best physique stylish and graceful. I've always looked happy posing for their programs.
IM : Let's talk about your first big win - the competition, "Mr. America".
BS : All of my career has been 13 competitions. I was third in the "Mr. San Diego" and won the title of "Mr. California" in 1953. Shortly thereafter, I, Seaman recruit, was named Mr. America. I was shocked more than anything else. Up to this point, I did not take the competition seriously. My only goal was the strength and mass. But such success has completely changed my life, opening the door to an entirely different world. After the service, I hit the sports business and plunged into bodybuilding for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
IM : You won the Mr. Universe title four times as a pro, but have never participated in the Olympia. Why not?
BS : Because the competition, "Mr. Olympia" show reminds me of Mickey Mouse. At one of these shows were only Arnold and Sergio, but when a guy from the audience came on stage and began to pose, he was given third place. I have nothing against the IFBB, but sometimes I think that Olympia was created to promote Vader and his organization.
IM : Many people were shocked when you took part in the "Mr. Universe" in 1971 at the age of 41 years. What made you come back after a four-year hiatus?
BS : Arnold and Weider constantly challenged me, and I decided to take it. I wanted to prove that winning is possible without doping. But at the last minute, Arnold refused - I think it would be funny if it were my friend Joe lost, especially after such a fuss! For me, these events were great. I remember when they announced my name, a little old man shouted: "Bill Pearl - the king!"
IM : Then you're gone?

BS : From competitive bodybuilding - yes. I "switched speed" and started to train just for yourself. You can not always win. In addition, I have felt uncomfortable on stage next to the children of 21-22 years. I was already 41 years old, and age differences started to bother me. But I did not give up sports activities, while continuing to participate in demonstrations and seminars. In addition, I wrote a lot.
IM : I read your book "Keys to the inner world." Very impressive.
BS : nice to hear. This book was conceived as a detailed guide on bodybuilding and weight training. In addition to it, I wrote the book "Reaching the form" together with Bob Anderson and Ed Burke, and the book "Become stronger." This is actually three books in one - bodybuilding for other sports, the overall training and "clean" bodybuilding. Do you agree with the fact that at the mention of bodybuilding, most people immediately think about steroids? : Sure, but how could it be otherwise. Bodybuilding is not taken seriously until Joe and the company does not cease to instill a certain image of the "steroid monster." In Germany wary of such a development of the muscles, which are popular in America. It is considered improper, because that is achieved by pharmacological agents. Do you think that bodybuilding can be a healthy sport? No Pharmacology - yes. I like the growing resistance to steroids. Let's hope for its success. Do you support a comprehensive drug test in any event? That would be the most appropriate solution, but I doubt that all these champions know how to build your body without pharmacology. Now athletes want to start an immediate success. It's our fault. We are being short-sighted, gave them everything. You see what happened. I guess we lost some guidance. Too much emphasis on the desire to become famous. And love to the most weight training once walked into the shadows. That's right, it is true. They want to become stars, but do not always succeed. The desire to be the best we can only welcome, but they look at this not very happy. The photographs are like masks. All this is window dressing. To me, bodybuilding was a school of life, and not just another stepping stone that leads to fame. Lightning caused the rise of Arnold's many desire to repeat it. His influence was a double-edged sword. We must give him credit - he greatly popularized bodybuilding. But its success - is the exception rather than the rule. Not everyone is good looking bodybuilder can become a star of the screen. Today's bodybuilders do not care about the sport. There are, however, one exception - is Lee Labrada. He's great.

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